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Corbin, M.. (2012). Tactics of Legitimation in the Psychedelic Sciences: Lessons for Feminist Sociology of Knowledge. American Behavioral Scientist
Plain numerical DOI: 10.1177/0002764212454422
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“I argue that psychedelic substances served as a doorway through which spirituality entered the scientific laboratory to an unprecedented degree by making spirituality more accessible to scientific methodologies. from a feminist sociology of knowledge perspective, these controversial sciences represent a unique opportunity to investigate the politics of knowledge constituting these traditionally demarcated and historically hierarchical systems of knowledge. using discourse analysis i found that psychedelic scientists utilized a range of what i call tactics of legitimation to justify the scientific study of these peculiar substances and the spirituality associated with them vis-à-vis dominant scientific knowledges. drawing on feminist theories of science and knowledge, i analyze the attendant epistemological costs of this assimilation in relation to the intersecting politics of race, class and gender. more broadly, this project demonstrates how a feminist theoretical perspective on sociology of knowledge enhances politically essential analyses of the co-constitutive relationships between knowledge, power and consciousness. © 2012 sage publications.”
Ψ From Molecule to Mind — and beyond ∞